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7 John Deere Snow Attachments for Signature and Select Series Tractors

John Deere’s Signature and Select Series Tractors are known for their ability to keep lawns in pristine condition from the beginning of spring all the way through the end of fall. However, their usefulness doesn’t stop once the snow begins to accumulate thanks in large part to snow blowers and blades.

However, these versatile tractors can be easily transformed even further into winterized workhorses with the help from a few John Deere snow attachments (outside of blowers and blades). Let’s take a closer look at some of these attachments.

Heavy-Duty Skid Shoes

If you’ve attached a front blade or snow blower to your tractor, consider also adding skid shoes. For front blades, the adjustable skid shoes let the driver set the blading height to match the task at hand. The blade skid shoes can be adjusted to eight different heights (seven at 0.5-in. and one at 1-in.). For snow blower operators, skid shoes are responsible for keeping the cutting edge at a determined height, which can be especially helpful when removing snow from unpaved surfaces, such as gravel driveways.

Rear Weight Brackets

Blades and blowers add a significant amount of weight to the front of the tractor. To counter this front load, rear weight brackets can be added to provide stability. Their steel composition makes them durable and ready for harsh winter conditions.

Tire Chains

Chains are recommended for improving traction when using blades and blowers. If you have some chains ready, but are unsure how to properly install them, give this post a read through.

Wheel Weights

In snowy conditions, more weight typically equates to more traction. Wheel weights should be considered (along with tire chains) when working on hills, especially when these hills are paved driveways. Without wheel weights, your tires could slip and limit productivity.

Angling Kits

Adding an angling kit to your winterized lawn tractor makes your front blade attachment more efficient by letting you simply twist the blade 20 degrees to the left or right. The angling kit uses a three-position spring-loaded mechanism that locks when the blade is in the desired position.


When you think of a spreader, you most likely think of loading it up with fertilizer on a clear sunny day to add some green to your lawn. However, pull-type and electric spreaders should be added to your tractor in the winter as well, as they can be filled with snow and ice-melting applications to get rid of slippery conditions.

Weather Enclosures

Last but not least, sitting on the tractor in a snowstorm could be an uncomfortable experience for those that don’t appreciate being wet and cold. For this reason, John Deere offers weather enclosures that cover the entire operating station. The enclosures include clear vinyl windows that are cold-crack tested to -4 degrees Fahrenheit.

With winter right around the corner, it’s time to start thinking about John Deere snow attachments that you can purchase or dust off to turn your Select or Signature Series Tractor into a snow-removing sidekick.

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