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Make Every Drop Count with John Deere ExactApply Nozzle Control

We’d like to introduce the ExactApply™ Nozzle Control System that John Deere launched in an effort to help sprayer operators and owners cover more crops with better precision to make sure that every drop counts. There are a variety of features that operators will benefit from, and we’ll certainly be covering each of these in the content to follow.

John Deere ExactApply

To get started, here’s a brief overview of what you can expect from John Deere’s ExactApply system:

  • Get triple the pulse rate modulation than other solutions
  • Deliver a more consistent droplet size from each nozzle at all sprayer speed ranges
  • Gain a more constant spray pressure.
  • Better control your application down to 15 or 20 inches spacing
  • Greatly reduce input costs and crop damage

When you slow down and look at something in a different way, it can really change your perspective. In your spraying operations, see what happens when your solution is broken down tintoits smallest parts. In the video below, you’ll have a closer look at the droplets that control annoying weeds, pests and diseases in your fields.

John Deere ExactApply Nozzle Control System

Can your droplets be better controlled? Is there a way to cover more of your crop with better precision to ensure that every droplet does its job – even around tight corners? Can you get better consistency at all sprayer speed ranges, so that you can spray more acres in less time? You can now do all of this with the John Deere ExactApply Nozzle Control System.

3 Common Questions and Answers about John Deere ExactApply

Because this is a new system on the market, we thought it would be helpful to address some of the common questions that arise. Here’s everything you need to know.

  1. What sets ExactApply apart from other products on the market? Compared to other nozzle systems that have a pulse rate of just 10 times per second, ExactApply operates at 30 times per second. That’s triple the pulse width modulation rate! This allows for an even more consistent droplet size from each nozzle that is enabled by a constant spray pressure.
  2. How can you better control spray rates on turns? ExactApply automatically varies the rate across the entire boom to greatly reduce input costs and prevent any possible damages to your crop. You’ll also ensure the right spray rate even as you make a turn. Operators will also experience up to 25% greater flow through each nozzle outlet too.
  3. What types of saving can you expect? With the individual nozzle control of ExactApply, you can save 2 – 5% on your herbicide or pesticide versus standard control. You can control the output of each nozzle right down to the 15 inch or 12-inch nozzle spacing. Not to mention, you will also save time stressing on some of those unnecessary obstacles that get in your way during spraying operations. ExactApply will even light your path at night to give you complete control of your spraying operations.

Final Thoughts

When you slow down and see your spraying solution in its smallest parts – you can see how each droplet is important to control weeds, pests, and diseases in your row crops. And, John Deere ExactApply can make sure every drop counts with better precisions.

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