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Weed Control Tips and Tricks for Healthy Vegetation

With springtime approaching, it’s never too early to start thinking about ways to protect your property and ensure it turns into a healthy and green area.

Weed Control

As most property owners know, this is typically easier said than done, mainly because weeds can sprout with very little warning. However, just because weeds are popping up, it doesn’t mean all hope is lost. Weed control is attainable with a little hard work.

Why Is Weed Control Important?

Weed control best practices are a must for those that have a pasture for livestock to graze, or property owners that have a large amount of acreage where they want to have healthy vegetation. Weeds overtaking the pasture or acreage will result in lower quality hay or grazing vegetation.

How Can I Control Weeds?

Mowing and spraying are two of the most basic and effective ways to control weeds that are already present. Here are some weed control tips (for each) to keep your pasture or property healthy throughout the year.

Periodic mowing of the pasture is a good choice if you are able to cut weeds after they’ve grown above the height of the grass in the field (but before they’ve filled out with seeds). This helps to control the spread of the weeds.

Those that are looking for a longer-term weed control solution (without regular cutting) should consider finding the best herbicide to spray their pasture with.

For more information about weed control, watch the below video or visit the John Deere Tips Notebook website.

How To Control Weeds | John Deere Tips Notebook

If you have questions about choosing the best equipment to control weeds on your property, contact your local John Deere dealer.

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