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Tips and Considerations for the Summer Wheat Harvest Season

Each year, the harvest season brings about the opportunity for producers to finally enjoy the fruits of their labor. According to the USDA, the summer wheat harvest takes place from mid-July to mid-September. As with any season within the world of agriculture, though, the timing for wheat harvest can differ from year to year due to a number of factors, especially weather conditions. 

When heading into the wheat harvest season, producers should consider the important role this crop plays, ranking third among field crops in the US in planted acreage and production, just behind corn and soybeans. Not only is wheat an important crop for humans but it can also be used as silage for animals – while underrated compared to corn, wheat is a great option for feeding cattle. 

As with any crop, producers must go into the wheat harvest season with an understanding of how the plants could potentially turn out, what types of equipment are needed, and how to maintain that equipment so it works throughout these few short months.

Tips for the Summer Wheat Harvest

Despite best efforts during the planting season, producers may experience issues during harvest as a result of conditions that may be out of their hands, including the climate. Certain weather conditions, specifically excess moisture, can lead to a crop that is malformed. This malformation could then affect other crops, meaning action needs to be taken as soon as possible. 

Before harvesting begins, producers should be aware of the diseases that could have a negative impact on their wheat – this includes those affecting heads and grains, those affecting leaves, and those affecting the stems and roots.

Wheat Diseases

There is a range of diseases that can impact wheat crops, some of which are easily manageable while others require several steps to be taken in order to ensure the disease does not impact other crops. Below are three wheat diseases which affect heads and grain, leaves, and stems and roots, respectively.

Fusarium head blight

Stagonospora nodorum blotch


In order to get the most out of the wheat harvest season, it is critical that producers are able to manage this crop effectively and improve yields. While this could involve factors such as crop rotation, fungicides, and separating out diseased crops from those that are healthy, machinery also plays a significant role. When considering the next steps for crop management, producers should work to understand options in terms of both technology and equipment in order to ensure maximum return during harvest.

Maximize Efficiency of Wheat Harvest with John Deere

John Deere has a range of equipment designed to deliver consistent grain quality while harvesting. With the right equipment, producers can ensure that they are able to keep up with changing conditions and are being as efficient as possible. John Deere combines – including the S-Series and T670 – are able to help achieve this goal of maximum productivity thanks to a range of features.

S-Series Combines

This combine series consists of four models – S790, S780, S770, S760 – which are designed to handle various crops, including wheat. John Deere S-Series Combines offer a range of features which help boost performance throughout the harvest season. Let’s take a look at some of these offerings and how wheat producers can benefit.


By employing ActiveYield technology during the summer wheat harvest, producers can eliminate the need for manual calibrations – this is achieved by the inclusion of automated sensors that calibrate the combine by measuring the grain as it fills the tank. Once the grain weight reaches 6,600 pounds, ActiveYield will stop taking measurements. This real-time measurement system enables producers to attain more accurate yield mapping and make educated decisions based on current data. This will ultimately result in a more successful wheat harvest season.

Dyna-Flo Plus Cleaning Shoe

The Dyna-Flo Plus Cleaning Shoe is designed to simplify the process of separating and cleaning grain – this feature improves cleaning capacity by 13% in wheat, resulting in more time spent out in the field harvesting. Additionally, this cleaning shoe reduces tailings by about 28% in order to boost overall speed and productivity.

Small Grains Package

Packages from John Deere are designed to improve performance and productivity by about 20% when harvesting grains like wheat. In order to meet this goal, features include:

To learn more about how John Deere S-Series combines help producers improve their wheat harvest experience, watch the video below.

T670 Combine

In addition to the capabilities of the S-Series combines, producers can also improve small grain handling by employing the John Deere T670 Combine. This piece of equipment offers the largest active separation as compared to other small-grain, walker combines available. Additionally, the T670 offers up to 15% more capacity in wheat and features the largest cleaning shoe of its kind on the market, designed to deliver stable performance, even under changing conditions while harvesting.

Similar to the S-Series models, this combine features the Dyna-Flo Plus Cleaning Shoe for more cleaning system capacity.

Attachments for John Deere Combines

John Deere also has a range of attachments to improve the wheat harvesting experience and improve productivity.

Maintaining Your Equipment Throughout the Wheat Harvest Season

While weather and crop malformation play a large role in whether or not producers have a success wheat harvest season, equipment maintenance must be considered just as important. Throughout the season, producers should remember the following tips for combine maintenance: 

Meeting goals during the harvest season can depend on a number of factors, from climate to equipment. By taking these factors into consideration throughout these months and taking action when necessary, producers can end the season on a high note and prepare themselves for future yields.

If you have any questions about how to improve the wheat harvesting experience, you can contact your local John Deere dealer.

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