Update: Finalists have been announced, be sure to vote!
We here at John Deere MachineFinder appreciate all of our fans out there – we are in awe on how you turn farming and love of Deere into art, so we want to see who out there is the ultimate fan – the winner will receive a special winner badge and will be featured on the John Deere MachineFinder website.
Here’s how it works:
1 – Send us your best photos by July 9, 2010! It’s that simple! You’ll be able to promote your submission with a badge which can be found here.
Embed This Badge |
Embed This Badge |
2 – The top 10 ultimate fans will be featured in an upcoming blog post on July 12th and will receive a finalist badge.
3 – The top 10 finalists will be featured where you are the judges! You’ll have 4 weeks to vote for your favorite image.
4 – On August 2nd, the winner will be announced and featured on the John Deere MachineFinder website and have bragging rights with his/her own winner badge.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: Where and how can I submit my photos?
A: Here are instructions for sending us photo information using various social sites.
- Twitter:
- Follow @Machinefinder on Twitter
- Tweet your photo with the hashtag #DeerePics
- Facebook:
- Upload your photo to your Facebook account.
- Click to view the individual photo and send us the “Share this with anyone” link to your photo that appears on the bottom of the page.
- Don’t forget to join our Facebook fan page as well!
For additional social sites like Flickr or a blog, simply copy and paste the image link into the form submission above and we’ll stop by to review the photo once received.
Q: How do I promote my photo?
A: Tell your friends that you are in the running, and to vote on your submission when we reach the finalist round on July 4th. We’ll send links and instructions for voting information when the finalists are announced.
Q: Can I submit more than one photo?
A: Absolutely! We’re looking for the ultimate fans out there, so be sure to send as many examples as you feel are appropriate; just be advised that we will only select one photo per John Deere Fan once the finalists are announced.