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Exploring Why Central Teaming Company Relies on John Deere

When you operate a company that needs machinery it can rely on every day, you know you can turn to John Deere for all of your equipment needs. This is exactly what the Central Teaming Company does, and the crew has no regrets. By employing this machinery, they are able to enjoy maximum uptime and ensure that each job gets done right every time. And through the trust established with their John Deere dealer, the crew knows that if they run into any issues, help is just a phone call away.

Watch the video below to learn more about the partnership and the critical role it plays in maintaining operations at Central Teaming Company.

Finding the John Deere Machinery for the Job

Central Teaming is a service contractor that supports a 24/7/365 steel-mill operation. It has been doing business for more than 100 years, getting its start by delivering products to steel mills by horse and wagon. Bill Smykowski, operation safety manager for Central Teaming, already knows how important it is to be able to get a hold of the machinery he needs to take on various tasks at the job site.

“Recently I got a call from one of the supervisors at 6:45 on a Saturday morning,” said Smykowski. “He needed our John Deere 844 models immediately, so we got the crew together and worked around the clock for two weeks straight.”

The primary facility Central Teaming works for requires the company to handle 12 different materials that it layers with motor scrapers across an area the width of 60 yards. With up to 4,000 tons of material being layered each day, Central Teaming knows it can rely on John Deere equipment to take care of the job.

Establishing a Relationship with a Deere Dealer

Central Teaming also recognizes it wouldn’t be able to take on as much as it does without the help of its John Deere dealer, West Side Tractor. “West Side Tractor is also a big family-oriented group, and the people are great,” said Steve Sieracki, president of Central Teaming. “I like them so much, one of my sons works for them!”

One of the largest projects that Central Teaming has ever taken on with West Side Tractor was six years ago. A John Deere Powertrain ReLife Plus was done on one of its 844J Wheel Loaders with 15,000 hours.

“I could put the machine anywhere in our operation and not question if it’s still capable of handling the day-to-day work,” Smykowski says. “The one really cool thing with the John Deere Powertrain ReLife Plus we did through West Side Tractor was that there were no surprises at the end of the day. There were no hidden costs, everything was upfront, and there was constant communication. As they progressed through, they would always update us on what’s going on and if there were any other challenges we needed to consider.”

If you have any questions about how John Deere machinery can benefit your own operation, you can contact your local John Deere dealer.

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