From toys to real machines, small to enormous, and green to… well… green, there are some very impressive John Deere collections out there.  Take a look at some of the ones we discovered.

“I’m a John Deere Boy”

This photo came from a blog written by a boy who was 7 years old at the time.  He calls himself a “John Deere Boy” because of his passion for Deere and the fact that his grandfather has a farm with John Deere tractors.  These toy tractors were given to him by his uncle, who also helped him set them up for the picture and cut miniature logs to fit in the back of his toy truck.  “My Daddy even has a John Deere mower, but he hasn’t bought us any tractors yet.  I hope he will someday, then I’ll really be a John Deere Boy.” – I think it is safe to say, he already really is a John Deere Boy.


A Variety of John Deere Collectibles

Now this kid picked the right store to get mom to take him to for toys!

A Remarkable Farm Collection

I think it is safe to say that both boys in the photo are John Deere boys.

Here are some unique items, such as a John Deere snow globe.


Uncle Louis Toavs John Deere Tractor Museum

These tractors were in an auction at a museum in Wolf Point, Montana.  They also have more photos of their tractors and John Deere gift shop on the site.


Collection from a Retired Farmer

Clarence Niles poses in front of his collection of John Deere models, which represents the tractors his family used on their farm since he was a boy.

Farmer’s 41 Tractor Collection

Larry Andrews’ favorite hobby is collecting tractors.  He said, “The part that really means something is when you take it apart, something’s not working right and you fix it and put it back together and it works.”

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