John Deere 755K

This excerpt was originally posted on the John Deere, John Deere Emissions Hub June 25, 2012. You can view the original post here.

A cherry tree shaker, an engine-powered margarita mixer (for really BIG drinks), a jet-powered lawn mower and a mink manure cleaner.  All of these machines, and many more, have been part of Diesel Progress North America’s annual Innovative Uses of Horsepower section in our December issue.

No production machines here. The Innovative Uses of Horsepower section is specifically designed to highlight innovative, strange, and yes, weird uses of engine horsepower. Chances are that less than a handful – and often not more than one – of these unique pieces of equipment were ever made.

Certainly there are not a lot of 40-foot tall diesel-hydraulic elephants roaming the earth.  We doubt that there are hundreds of buffalo squeezers (John Deere-powered no less) in operation and you won’t find engine-driven washing machines in every home.

It’s a fun editorial section for the editors of Diesel Progress to do each year.  And we’d like your help.  Many of our best story leads come from engine distributors, dealers, operators and technicians just like you.

So tell us: What have you made in the back of your shop that’s interesting, innovative, amusing or weird?

Comment below with a short description of your machine. If it piques our interest, then we will email you for more information. Emissions Hub readers submitting the most innovative uses of John Deere horsepower will receive a pair of John Deere branded work gloves. Your submission may also be featured on the Emissions Hub blog, the John Deere Facebook page and in Diesel Progress North America’s annual Innovative Uses of Horsepower issue in December 2012.

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