For more than 100 years, John Deere has been perfecting the combine to improve the productivity and efficiency of the machines used during harvesting season; the most recent models make up the line of John Deere S-Series Combines.

S-Series Combines from John Deere

The models of the John Deere S-Series Combines line are designed with the latest technology and consumer input in order to give operators what they need. In fact, by inquiring about consumer needs and expectations, Deere engineers can ensure the machines become the best they can be with the resources available.

Your senses will confirm that these combines are the cream of the crop; let your eyes, hands, and ears take in the smart and powerful features of the S-Series.

S-Series JD combine harvesting

See: John Deere S-Series Combines are large-scale machines. Once you’ve gotten over the sheer size of the S-Series, your eyes will likely be drawn to the width of the header, which can harvest up to 18 rows of crops (40 feet) at once. Inside the cab you’ll have a 180° view that gives you clear sight lines of your field while the combine is harvesting your crop.

JD S-Series combines header

Feel: A comfortable seat, plenty of leg room, and easily accessible foot and hand controls might make you forget you’re operating a big green harvester. The infrastructure under the combine’s hood allows for smooth handling and crop flow to ensure fewer tossed ears of corn, less ear shelling, and less debris fed through the combine. 

John Deere S-Series combine cab

Hear: A four-hour playlist put together especially for your days of harvesting? Sync any mp3 device or Bluetooth™ to listen to tunes while you work and stay connected to your phone contacts. If you opt out of listening to music, you will hear the swift slice of the StalkMaster™ Corn Head Chopping System that cuts corn stalks at a height that can be adjusted while harvesting.

The idea behind the John Deere S-Series combines is that they will be perfect for the operator needs as well as the task at hand. Each model in the series comes with unique attributes that allow it to be form fitted to specific harvesting jobs. No farm, region, or plant is the same and the design of the S-Series allows farmers to manipulate these variables through the machines’ versatility.

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