Producers looking to build a food plot on their land know how difficult it can be. However, with the help of a food plot seeder, these individuals can easily address challenges associated with this task, even when soil conditions are less than ideal. This is especially the case when using Frontier Plotmaster Food Plot Seeders, which can disk, cultivate, deposit seed, pack soil, and level the soil with a single pass using its notched disks and S-tine toolbar.

What Is the Benefit of Using a Frontier Food Plot Seeder?
Using a Frontier food plot seeder, operators have the opportunity to create an attractive wildlife habitat. Now that we understand a bit more about how this tool operates and what it’s used for, let’s look at some of the features offered by Frontier’s model.
S-Tine Attachments
The Frontier food plot seeder can be equipped with three different S-tine attachments for improved tilling performance.
- For repeat food plots or final leveling of the seedbed, operators should consider using the standard equipped 9-in. sweep points.
- Turning tips can be added to the seeder to work in seedbeds where residue needs to be buried.
- For dry or rocky soil conditions, operators should consider adding chisel points to their seeder.
Versa Seeder™
The electric Versa Seeder brush lets operators plant multiple seed sizes and is designed to perform in even the most demanding conditions. From corn to native grasses, the Versa Seeder places seed directly behind the area that has been cultivated, drastically reducing seed loss.
S-Tine Toolbar Kit
A second S-tine toolbar kit can be added to Frontier food plot seeders to increase tillage action. The second toolbar attaches directly into the frame in front of the existing toolbar.
Adjustable Notched Disks
The Frontier food plot seeder hosts heavy-duty, notched disks that optimize penetration and are designed to thoroughly break up soil. The disk gang angle can be adjusted to match the operator’s tillage needs.
Pneumatic Tires for Transportation
The food plot seeder comes with pneumatic tires that make it easy to transport the equipment from location to location. When the equipment has reached its working destination, the tires can be retracted with help from the heavy-duty electric lift system.
Adjustable Scatter Plates
Operators can set the angle of seed dispersion thanks to the adjustable scatter plates. This feature allows for more accurate seed placement and a reduction in seed loss.
Rear Roller Attachment
This optional roller kit can be used by itself or along with the drag attachment to improve performance. The roller can be pinned in its working position or free-floating depending on the operator’s needs.
The cultipacker on the Frontier food plot seeder has more than one use. The grating drag levels the soil and covers the seed for uniform soil contact throughout the process. Operators can choose from standard drag only, optional roller only, or drag with the optional roller on top.
Attract Wildlife with a Frontier Food Plot Seeder
A Frontier food plot seeder could help to get you on your way to creating a plot of land that’s primed to become a wildlife habitat. To learn more about how to leverage this piece of equipment, watch the video below:
For more information about the Frontier food plot seeder or other attachments, contact your local John Deere dealer today.
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