With so much happening in the agriculture industry, it’s important for farmers, growers and ag enthusiasts to stay up-to-date with the latest news, research and trends.


One way that we do this is by regularly reading agriculture resources including industry publications, research findings, university research and government websites. Whether aiming to improve crop production, boost farm profitably or implement safer farm practices, you’ll find valuable information by browsing these resources.

We’ve put together a list of resources that should help you stay informed with the latest agriculture information. Enjoy!

1. Agricultural Research at Purdue University

As a college of agricultural, food, life and natural resource sciences, Purdue University’s College of Agriculture offers solutions to some of our most pressing agriculture challenges through Purdue Extension. Here you will find the latest news and research findings, as well as guidance for better ag business, crop production, commercial growing, farm safety, livestock and more.

2. United States Department of Agriculture

The USDA provides leadership on food, agriculture, natural resources, rural development, nutrition, effective farm management and more. With the goal to help promote agriculture production and preserve the Nation’s natural resources, this department offers the news and research needed to support this initiative.

3. Cornell University College of Agriculture

Cornell’s Cooperative Extension provides the knowledge needed to maximize agricultural and natural resources. Bringing local experience and research-based solutions together, the site is great for discovering new strategies and the latest agriculture findings. Cornell also has a program dedicated to helping small farms contribute to food security, healthy rural communities and the environment through research, new ideas, and tips.

4. National Agricultural Statistics Service

NASS, run by USDA, produces an abundance of information around a variety of topics including traditional crops, livestock, agricultural prices and much more. It’s known as The Fact Finders of U.S. Agriculture because it provides meaningful, accurate, and objective data and statistics.

5. University of Wisconsin – Madison College of Agricultural & Life Sciences

The University of Wisconsin – Madison participates in a bunch of extension programs and services. Some notables include: Discovery Farms, Center for Agricultural Safety and Health, Integrated Pest and Crop Management and the Soil Science Extension Program. If you are interested in the latest research and advice in these areas, be sure to out the sites listed above.

6. Washington State University College of Agriculture 

Washington State University’s College of Agricultural, Human, and Natural Resource Sciences offers a library of publications, videos, and blog posts covering agricultural production topics. These topics include agriculture equipment, agribusiness, irrigation and water, organic production, pest and weed control, soil health and much more. Be sure to check out WSU Extension for the latest research findings, tips and news in ag.

7. University of Arizona College of Agricultural & Life Sciences

The University of Arizona CALS Cooperative Extension aims to help people solve problems and put knowledge to use in the areas of agriculture, food safety, gardening and more. Whether you’re looking for information around forage and grain crops, specialty crops, or pest management, this is a great place to find new techniques and strategies, backed by research.

8. University of Delaware College of Agriculture & Natural Resources

Did you know that agriculture in Delaware generates over $1 billion from 2,300 farms across 530,000 acres? The University of Delaware’s Cooperative Extension provides the necessary educational resources and research to support this fundamental part of the economy. Read the latest in crop production, agribusiness, lawn and garden, and much more.

Final Thoughts

While there are many ways to stay informed with the latest happenings in agriculture, these are a just a few of the resources we use. What resources do you use to stay up to date with the latest agriculture information? Feel free to share your feedback in the comments below.

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