Something special happened at the 2016 Canada Farm Progress Show. Not only was the show celebrating its 39th year with more than 40,000 attendees, nearly 700 exhibitors and representatives from 52 countries, but John Deere also had the chance to showcase some exciting new products.

John Deere 1870 Air Seeder

Loyal customers and fans that attended the show from all around the world got first row seats to see the new John Deere 1870 Air Seeder and John Deere C850 Air Cart.

For those who didn’t get to attend the show, put together a couple of videos that walk you through the important elements of each machine. Here they are!

The New John Deere C850 Air Cart

John Deere was very excited to to participate in the Western Canada Farm Progress Show for 2016. Here Tyson Harris, product specialist at John Deere introduces the new C850 Air Cart, which was brought to the market for limited release in Canada only (not currently available in other countries).

This video offers a comprehensive overview of the new features that were added to this air seeder to help customers improve their seeding operations. Harris walks us around the air cart to point out the top three things that set it apart from the competition.

So, what are these three elements? Productivity, accuracy, and technology innovation. For a detailed explanation of each element, tune into this video!

John Deere’s New 1870 Air Seeder

Cody Wilkinson, product specialist at John Deere, talks about key features of the new John Deere 1870 Air Hoe Drill including cutting edge RelativeFlow™ blockage software that alerts you of blockage in real time.

As the latest addition to the 1870 Air Seeder lineup, which includes the 40-foot and 56-foot models, the new 76-foot model incorporates many features to support better seed placement, improve fertilizer placement and increase productivity.

This 76-foot, five-section seeder has 12-inch row spacing compatible with 430-bushel tow-between and 430- or 550-bushel tow-behind John Deere seed carts. With increased frame height and spacing between each rank (almost 20 inches more space than other competitive models), operators can move residue and eliminate clogging.

Watch this video to find out the exact features that set this air seeder apart from others.

We hope these videos helped you learn a bit more about the new John Deere 1870 Air Seeder and C850 Air Cart models.

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