John Deere’s 1870 Air-Hoe Drill and C850 Air Cart were designed to enhance overall productivity on the field. The C850’s accuracy and technology pairing leads to smart and productive operation, while the 1870 allows producers to plant more acres in a quick manner.

John Deere C850 Air Cart

While these two pieces of agriculture equipment are fairly new to the marketplace, they’ve already helped farmers from around the country do more in less time. Don’t take it from us, though. Here are a couple testimonials that show their unique value.

Neil Herbst Testimonial 1870 Drill C850 Air Cart

Neil Herbst, a 4th generation farmer from Warner, Alberta who has John Deere equipment dating back to 1919, says the 1870 Air-Hoe Drill and C850 Cart was “a perfect match” for the tough 2017 wheat, spring wheat and canola season – getting his team into the field a lot quicker, with less compaction.

Neil explains how the 1870 flexes a lot in many spots, making it easier to operate on rolling land. He goes on to explain that if you want to place a seed an inch down, it will place the seed an inch down on one end of a section to the other. Having the ease of the fertilizer placement through the 1870 takes away Neil’s process of having to put a lot of ESN down with their drill, saving close to $30,000 on their farm. He expresses that “the only thing the 1870 can’t do, is make it rain.”

In this next video, we hear from another 1870 and C850 customer, Elaine Bellamy from the Wills Farm Corporation in Alberta, Canada.

Elaine Bellamy Testimonial 1870 Air-Hoe Drill C850 Air Cart

Elaine continues to be amazed when it comes to how precise the 1870 is in seed placement and how some seeds were ever able to get placed through the mounds of dirt throughout her wheat and canola fields. Starting the seeding off with the 1870 has set the Wills Farms up to have a successful farming operation.

Again, the results of this magnificent machine? Great consistency across the entire drill, more uniform seed emergence, more even flowering and canopy development and greater yields. If you want more precise seed placement and healthier crops, John Deere has put it all together for a high-performance seeding experience.

We hope this video gallery helped you learn more about the 1870 Air-Hoe Drill and C850 Air Cart. For more information on these machines, contact your local John Deere dealer.

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