In 1967, John Deere started producing the JD570, the industry’s first articulated motor grader. During its time, this machine offered groundbreaking innovations to the construction industry.

JD570 Motor Grader

Brief History of the JD570

Prior to the introduction of this machine, graders were straight-framed with solid rear axles; however, the JD570‘s articulated frame offered operators more efficiency than ever before.

With key features like the PowerShift transmission, articulated frame steering, hydraulic front-wheel lean and roll-over protection, both increased control and versatility were made available to operators. Not only did this motor grader allow operators to place the blade of the machine into a 90-degree bank in less than one minute, but improvements were made to the saddle so it was secured to the mainframe with a tapered pin design.

In order to celebrate this 50th-anniversary milestone, a couple of John Deere retirees (Don Bagby and Jerry Bode) dedicated 2,200 hours into restoring one of the first machines to roll off the line back in 1967.

We thought it was only right to include you in the celebration by sharing their project with you. Enjoy!

Preserving the JD570 Motor Grader

In the video above, you’ll have a chance to see the John Deere 570 motor grader restored to its original glory. Reminisce on the past and appreciate the original model designs that paved the way for the motor graders that we rely on today.

The restoration work of two Dubuque Works retirees on a JD570 motor grader shows both the dedication and inspiration that comes from true John Deere enthusiasts.

“We took this 570 all the way down to the bare frame…and rebuilt it with little more than an old service manual to guide us.” – Jerry Bode, John Deere retiree

“No detail was too small. Everything on this machine works as it should – and we’re really proud of that.” – Don Bagby, John Deere retiree

Check Out Our Inventory of Used Motor Graders

Final Thoughts

There are certainly many pieces of John Deere construction equipment that helped guide the future of industry innovations and developments, and the JD570 motor grader is just one of them. Be sure to check out this resource to learn more about the features and specification of this machine.

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