It’s time to acknowledge women across the country and world for all of the hard work that has gone into improving agriculture. These influential women come from all different segments of agriculture, including cattle, crop, education and much more.

women in agricultureTo better express our support for the dedicated women working in agriculture, we wanted to share this video gallery with you. This series aims to honor the many women linked to our land.

In this video gallery, you’ll hear the story of one woman in particular. See how each generation of her family has been impacted by the women before them who have been involved in the agriculture industry. Enjoy!

Women in Agriculture: A Mother’s Touch

In this first video, we celebrate a woman truly linked to the land by her father. When her father passed away, her whole world changed. She began to question if she would be able to stay on the farm where she was born and raised.

Handling this transition was certainly not easy, and would not have been possible without the strength of her mother. Her mom assured the family that they would move forward from the tough situation that they were dealt.

At the time, she didn’t recognize the full impact of her mother being a widow and also being in charge of a business. But, today, we are taking the time to hear the story of a woman who stepped up to the plate for her family and farm.

Women in Agriculture: The Next Generation

This mother talks about how her daughters have been exposed to many different opportunities in agriculture. There’s much more to it than just production agriculture – there’s research, food science, marketing and much more that all ties back to their roots.

While her daughters see the hard work and the time commitment, they both understand the importance of carrying out their family’s legacy. Some of the biggest accomplishments that this family has seen have happened because of their connection to agriculture.

 Women in Agriculture: A True Partnership

There are few careers that our country will always rely on, and agriculture is certainly one of them. There is no limit for women in agriculture. Thanks for taking the time to recognize the many influential women that have come together to shape the agriculture industry into what is it today.

We hope this video gallery offered inspiration to you and your career in ag moving forward. Do you have a story of your own to share? We’d love to hear how agriculture has impacted your family in the comments below. 

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