A little less than a year ago, we gave readers some helpful advice on how to create that picture perfect pattern on their lawn. Before this summer gets underway, we have decided to compile a list of “Do’s” and “Don’ts” for your summer lawn care that is sure to make your lawn the talk of the town. Learn how to take care of grass like a pro.


  • When the season begins, cut your grass using the highest setting, and reduce it as the summer progresses. This will result in the number of weeds decreasing, as well as cause more water retention.
  • Fertilize warm season grasses in the spring and cool season grasses in the fall.
  • Mow regularly. This could range from once a week to twice a week depending on the growth rate and desired height. Additionally, grass cuttings can be beneficial in dry months, but moss can form if you don’t mow regularly.
  • Water your lawn to the point that the roots are moistened. This will help in times of drought and to prevent disease.


  • Don’t water at night. The absence of sun will result in disease.
  • Don’t cut your lawn when it’s wet. This could damage your lawn and/or lawn mower.
  • Don’t forget to have your blades sharpened or replaced at regular intervals.
  • If you have an uneven lawn and are using a petrol rotary motor, make sure you do not scalp your lawn in certain areas.
  • If you go a few weeks without mowing your lawn, don’t cut it down to your desired height all at once. This could disrupt photosynthesis and leave your lawn with a yellow discoloration.

We hope these helpful tips on how to take care of grass leave you with the lawn you’ve always desired. Have a great summer! If you are searching for used commercial mowers, or residential mowers, be sure to visit our dealer section.

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