“Take a seat. Take the challenge. Take it home.” That’s the motto for this year’s Drive Green Challenge. Participating in this event is a great way to take advantage of John Deere test drive opportunities, pick attachments, and get an overall feel for different JD machines.

If you don’t think that’s enough of an incentive, there’s also a $500 coupon available, which can be used when purchasing any of the John Deere 1-6 Series tractors. Those in attendance also have the chance to win a John Deere 1023E Sub-Compact utility tractor with a D120 loader and Frontier Grooming Mower.

This event runs from January to November of 2013; you can locate your nearest Deere dealer here. The following videos are testimonials of those who have taken the challenge and are eager to share their stories. Enjoy!

Check Out Its Testing Capabilities

John Deere test drive video

Enjoy the full video here at Deere.com

Watch as this customer talks about how looking at the John Deere website on a whim led his wife and him to the Drive Green Challenge. They were pleasantly surprised by the ease of use and versatility they found in each tractor.

Chris Took the Drive Green Challenge

Chris's John Deere test drive

Enjoy the full video here at Deere.com

Chris, a Drive Green Challenge participant, weighs in on his experiences with the event. He test drove everything from tractors in the 30 horsepower range to those in the 40 horsepower range; he also expresses interest in the bucket size as well as the ease of attaching and detaching the implements.

Earl Liked Being Able to Compare Tractors

Earl test driving a John Deere

Enjoy the full video here at Deere.com

One of the greatest elements of the Drive Green Challenge is having the ability to compare tractors. In this video clip, Earl was able to do just that and he shares his experiences.

Will You Get the Seat Like Hal Did?

Hal's John Deere test drive

Enjoy the full video here at Deere.com

Many are drawn to the Drive Green Challenge if they are on the fence about which tractor to purchase. Being able to test drive tractors and talk first-hand with John Deere professionals put Hal’s mind at ease and helped him settle on a particular tractor.

Take a Test Drive Like Kevin

Kevin test drove a John Deere

Enjoy the full video here at Deere.com

Kevin was prepared to buy a different kind of tractor but dropped in on the Drive Green Challenge as he drove past his local dealership. Listen as he describes how a test drive changed his perspective on which tractor to purchase.

Will You Agree With Majel?

Majel test drives a John Deere

Enjoy the full video here at Deere.com

Majel thoroughly enjoyed his Drive Green Challenge experience. Watch as he describes some of his favorite features and demonstrates how easy it is to to use the loader.

A John Deere test drive could help you make the right purchasing decision about your next John Deere compact tractor. The Drive Green Challenge is also an opportunity to test drive a tractor with the help and advice of a professional by your side.  If you’re interested in the event, be sure to head down to your local dealership and test a Deere machine for yourself!

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