Within the John Deere Operations Center, you can collect data, analyze it more efficiently and enable a single sign-on for multiple applications. This can all be done while managing machinery information and tracking farm operations. By collecting this information, you are able to make quicker and smarter decisions and share helpful information with your advisors. Deere’s goal behind this technology is easy – they want to help you make and save more money year after year.

John Deere Operations Center

Remotely managing applications is a major bonus of the Operations Center. From laptops to mobile devices, you are able to get a bird’s eye view of the field and cab. By adding and editing your products, you can adjust what is seen remotely. This helps to enable accurate documentation and improve the quality of economic reporting, which reduces the need for editing later.

Operations Center: Add and Edit Products


In addition, the Operations Center allows the option to add and edit tracks and boundaries within an organization. You are able to identify and track your good tracks and avoid having to set up new ones in the field. If you have high-accuracy boundaries, you are able to share these out with other machines in the field and use for advancements in things like Section Control. Furthermore, boundaries allow you to receive progress summaries, visuals, driving directions and help to place correct data into the field.

Operations Center: Add and Edit Tracks and Boundaries


During harvest, a feature called “Variety Locator” is used to automatically include the correct variety in the recorded data based on the seeding operation for that field. This helps ensure accurate documentation and reports. The Operations Center allows you to cover more acres while saving money.

Operations Center: Create Variety Locator Setup Files


These are just a few of the many benefits of John Deere’s Operations Center. To learn more about turning data into valuable business information and gaining access to real-time data, check out our part 1 and part 2 video galleries.

For more information about the John Deere Operations Center, contact your local John Deere dealer.

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