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Get Your Lawn Ready for Fall: Lawn Equipment, Tips, & Tricks

As summer comes to an end, homeowners should begin to shift their attention towards what kind of lawn equipment they will need in order to have their yard looking its best. It also brings along the opportunity for individuals to repair damaged lawns and prepare their grass for the seasons to come. With the right lawn equipment and lawn tractor attachments, the experience as a whole can be something that is seemingly much more attainable.

Let’s take a look at equipment, attachments, and tips for how to get your lawn looking its best this autumn.

How to Prepare Your Equipment for Fall

As summer comes to an end, you may hear the rev of lawn mower engines slowly start to fade, but that doesn’t mean that you should do the same. Unless there’s snow covering and freezing the land below, there are still many benefits of mowing the lawn. It can help to control incessant weeds, help to recycle nutrients, encourage growth deep into the roots, and can also contribute significantly to overall health and durability of the grass. This being said, it also helps to ensure your yard maintains its aesthetic during snowless seasons.

Here are some tips for making sure your lawn equipment is running properly come autumn:

Best Attachments for Fall Lawn Care

It’s crucial for homeowners to turn their attention towards what type of equipment they will need as we move into the fall season— this includes attachments for your John Deere riding mowers. These attachments can help to make your life much easier when it comes to lawn care. Let’s take a look at some of these attachments and how they can help your mowing process.

Rotary Tillers/Hitch Implements

Rotary tillers and hitch implements utilize sets of curved tines with a rotating shaft to dig into your soil. This helps to make sure your soil is fine, as well as clod-free so that planting goes off without a hitch. 

While you wouldn’t be planting as many flowers in snowy areas, root vegetables can still be planted and grown, making these attachments useful during all seasons of the year. Whether preparing a seedbed, plowing over the garden or leveling and grading, they can help groomers achieve their desired look. Additionally, they are extremely easy to attach and detach in just a few minutes. Here are some of the more popular models: 

Mulch and Leaf Bagging Kits

Mulching and leaf bagging kits help to make the lawn care experience much less stressful and much more productive. No matter the types of cleanup conditions you may be facing, John Deere has the right solution. 

Tow-Behind Attachments

Tow-behind attachments are perfect for spraying, hauling, thatching, aerating, and more. With an easy dump release and steep angle, John Deere utility carts are designed to haul a variety of materials without obstructing them. Additionally, the 40-inch Thatcherator, available for use with riding lawn tractors, is great for dethatching, aerating, or getting an area prepped for seeding. 

Other Lawn Attachments and Parts

While the aforementioned attachments are a great way to improve your lawn appearance, there are so many others that can also help do the job. Here are a few other parts and attachments that could be especially helpful when tidying up your property this fall. 

Rejuvenate Your Lawn this Fall

Taking a damaged yard and reviving it back to its former self can be difficult. Where do you start? Find out with these curated steps to the perfect fall lawn

1. Checking for Signs of Damage

Many of the most common signals of a damaged lawn can be simply observed by using senses. One of the tell-tale signs of damaged or unhealthy grass is the way it feels when walking on it. If the grass feels soft or spongy, that means it’s likely damaged. 

On the other hand, if the grass is not taking to watering very well, this could mean the lawn is damaged as well. Here are some of the things to look out for when you think your grass may be damaged: 

2. Preparation before Seeding

One thing to consider when preparing your seeding is the power of pH. Knowing the pH of your soil can help you make decisions about what nutrients you need to add, amongst others. When the decision has been made to renovate, a few steps need to be taken before fertilizer and seed should be applied to the soil. 

3. Fertilize the Lawn

Fertilizers should be spread evenly throughout the damaged area in an effort to expedite the establishment and growth rate processes of the emerging lawn. When you get a bag of fertilizer, there are typically three numbers on it. These numbers represent nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. All three help lawns to become long, and lush with strong roots.

4. Seed the Lawn

Once the lawn is fertilized, divide the area to be seeded into a few sections to promote different seeding directions. This will help ensure the soil is being hit from various angles. Then, begin seeding in two directions, overlapping halfway through the process. After the seed has been applied, irrigate the lawn to promote soil and seed contact, followed by watering twice a day. Be sure to not over-water – the soil shouldn’t appear to be soggy. This wastes time and money, while also promoting growth for excessive weeds.

5. Mowing

After lush, thick green grass has been established and taken hold (reaching about 3-4 inches in height), begin mowing regularly, as described above, by taking about ⅓ of the length off the top of the grass.

Deere Lawn Equipment for Fall

There is a wide variety of lawn tractors to choose from in John Deere’s product line, including the D105, D110, X330, X350, and LA145—all versatile with their own benefits. Which should you choose this fall? Let’s take a look at these different models and the benefits of each.

Final Thoughts

As summer comes to a close, it’s necessary to look forward and repair any damage before it’s too late. Fall is the perfect time for that. Get your lawn maintenance equipment out from the back of the garage and reinvigorate your lawn today.

If you have any questions about John Deere lawn equipment, you can contact your local John Deere dealer.

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