John Deere Construction Site Equipment

John Deere Engineers and Equipment Progress

In 1837 John Deere began the quest to build the best equipment on the planet, and current JD engineers continue to pursue that passion. The John Deere team continues to move towards a cleaner and more efficient future with continuous emissions testing’s and improvements. In fact, product testing reports can be accessed weekly at John Deere’s Straightforward Blog.

Beauty & Brains

Reducing tractor emissions is an important part of our future, and finding the balance between power and efficiency is a task that John Deere continues to work on.

In the month of August John Deere shared results from the Nebraska Tractor Test Laboratory which showed the correlation between fuel efficiency and reducing tractor emissions. While running tests on the 850K Crawler Dozer, the 250 horsepower machine consumed 7% less fuel, and performed 7% more cycles per hour than its competitor.

Emissions Tips

On the Straightforward Blog, John Deere engineers shared information about easy tips to lower emissions levels in heavy equipment. They explained how certain types of engine oils used in new and used heavy equipment can have an impact on the overall health of machinery. Engine oil meeting API CJ-4 and ACEA E9 standards can significantly increase the lifespan of an exhaust filter that works hard to reduce ash accumulation, and other harsh build-up.

Another important reminder is to use a diesel fuel with a sulfur content less than 15 ppm. Fuels that have high sulfur content can actually damage your exhaust filter, and increase your engine maintenance scheduling.

The Future of Emissions

As John Deere continues to progress, customers can feel confident in the equipment they are purchasing. As the new and used construction equipment, and agricultural equipment segments continues to grow, prospects can feel assured their John Deere equipment is as forward thinking as John Deere engineers.