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Keep Your Course Looking Great with John Deere Golf & Turf Equipment

Are you curious as to how large, 18-hole golf courses keep every inch of the fairway and green perfectly trimmed? Beautiful clubhouses and immaculate green fairways oftentimes overshadow the hard work that is being done to create that aesthetic. Powerful equipment is used to curate this look, including a wide range of John Deere golf and turf equipment, specifically turf-friendly Gator UTVs. From material hauling to spraying, John Deere Gators have the capability and power to become your go-to vehicle for any golf course project

Considerations Before Buying Golf Course Equipment

Golf course mowers and all other equipment can be quite the investment. For this reason, it is important to get as much information on your options for golf course equipment before you make this type of purchase. This includes attachments, types of equipment (mower, aerator, etc.), or the model that may be the most useful for your team. 


Based on the climate where your golf course is located, there is quite a variety of attachments to choose from. These range from direct-mount grass catchers to dew whip holders, to different tires, all of which provide different benefits to your vehicle.


Regular maintenance will keep your vehicle in top shape. This includes constantly checking the oil, making sure your tires are in proper condition, changing spark plugs on a regular basis, and checking to make sure the vehicle’s coolant levels are at the necessary heights.

Type of Equipment

There are also a few different types of equipment that you may need to use on your golf course. These can range from aerators to mowers to turf Gators, which all serve specific purposes. You could also want a variety of items that work in coordination with each other, such as a turf Gator and an aerator. The Turf Gators are great for getting around a golf course, while also carrying other heavy, large items, such as said Aerator.

What are the Best Equipment Models for Your Golf Course?

While John Deere has a large variety of equipment for golf courses, the John Deere Gator Turf Vehicles are a great choice if you are looking to maintain lush, crisp turf. Unlike other turf and lawn utility vehicles, the frame and tires of the Gators are very lightweight, preventing them from compacting soil or leaving marks on the grass. This allows operators to cruise around without fear of disrupting the aesthetic of the grass. Here are some of the different Gator models that would be great for your golf course.

Gator TX Turf

The cargo box of the TX Turf Gator model is designed with a pick-up truck-style tailgate, allowing loads that exceed the 16.4 cubic feet measurements to be hauled without any risk. There are also side panels that can be removed to give operators the option of carrying materials on a flatbed. In fact, materials such as soil, sand for sand traps, or garbage that may have been dropped on the course can be hauled in the versatile cargo box.


This UTV is intended for golf courses made up of hills, slopes, and uneven terrains. The ProGator specifically is a powerful and strong Gator model that drives as easily as a car over obstacles of golf courses. With a 4251-lb capacity, there’s no end to the possibilities of what the ProGator can haul.

For landscaping which may require heavy equipment like aerators or seeders, this utility vehicle gets the job done without putting any strain on the frame of the UTV. The hydraulic disk brakes as well as front and rear end suspension will not disrupt speed and stopping, no matter how heavy the load. These ProGators include the 2020A model and the 2030A model.

Gator TE 4X2 Electric

No fuel is needed for this all-electric vehicle. The Gator TE 4X2 Electric runs all day on one, single overnight charge, all while emitting and consuming no actual fuel. While it has an electric engine, this UTV packs just as much punch as the TX models and can also carry up to 500 lbs. An advantage of using an electric model is its reduced dependency on fuel, saving you money and resources in the long term. The quiet hum also makes it practically inaudible, meaning if it needs to be used on the course during operating hours, it will not disturb anyone’s focus on their golfing.

2700 PrecisionCut Triplex Mower

The Triplex mower provides up to 19 horsepower with its EFI gas engine, which also features an electronic throttle control. It has a lightweight frame design with a low center of gravity, resulting in excellent stability and traction performance, regardless of the kind of terrain.

2750 PrecisionCut Triplex Mower

This mower has an open platform frame, which is designed with a lower center of gravity. This helps to maintain stability out on the green. The mower’s decreased weight enables reduced tire tracking and compaction, while the frame design makes it easy to adjust the center grass catcher.

2700 E-Cut Hybrid Triplex Mower

This mower has an Electric Reel Drive so it is guaranteed to provide the same cut quality every time, regardless of the operator. Similarly, it has Premium Contour Following as well as a 19-horsepower gas engine.

2750 E-Cut Hybrid Triplex Mower

This particular mower features a  19-horsepower diesel engine and electronic throttle control, making it easy to use. It also has an Electric Reel Drive, a Frequency of Clip mode, and Premium Contour Following so that operators can get the same quality of cut every time.

Benefits of Utilizing John Deere Golf Equipment

Making an investment in golf course equipment is a big decision. When making that decision, you will want to ease your mind by taking a look at all of the benefits of potential vehicles. John Deere golf equipment, such as the A model, the ProGator, the Triplex, and more have many of the benefits that you will need and want after your purchase. 

Let’s take a look at them and how they will help make your job easier.


While all John Deere vehicles provide amazing performance, a great example of a high-performing vehicle is the John Deere ProGator. John Deere ProGators are utility vehicles that come with either powerful gas or diesel engine capabilities and are designed to take on any condition. For example, the 2020A model comes with a four-cylinder electronic fuel-injected gas engine that is designed to provide greater torque for the vehicle, as well as improved hauling power and the ability to handle large payloads. 

As an added bonus, the John Deere 2030A model comes equipped with a high-powered diesel engine as well as four-wheel hydraulic brakes, providing exceptional stopping power. If your golf course is very hilly, this will help to make sure you stay safe when traveling across the course. Operators can also choose to select four-wheel drive manually, an essential feature when carrying heavy loads, such as sandbags and other equipment.

Hauling and Power

John Deere ProGator models are supported by seven-gauge steel frames. They’re all engineered to endure heavy-load scenarios while on the course with the ability to haul 4,255 lbs (1,930 kgs). They also have ample ground clearance as well as front and rear leaf springs, leaving the operator with a smooth ride.


Look out for a piece of equipment that will help you finish a number of unique projects around the course. These range from:


The ProGator’s layout is extremely clean and simple to manage. Anything that needs to be checked can be easily accessed after a long day. ProGator models are also designed to be serviced with minimal effort. This allows for maximum use and minimum problems so you will not miss a day of work on the course.


Both the 6080A and 6500A lawn tractor models feature 24.7 horsepower diesel engines. They have enough power to get through the toughest grass, while also maximizing productivity along the way.

Smooth Tire Configurations

Some models have smooth tire configurations, which provide premium performance and maximum comfort. These models also have LoadMatch, and offer the same cut quality available on the A model line. This makes it easy to maneuver hills and any rough terrain you may need to go through.


eHydro transmissions remove linkages between pedals and the hydrostatic pump. Models with this transmission boost productivity by allowing operators to mow more area in a shorter amount of time.

TechControl Display

When using the TechControl display, technicians and turf managers can input their own commands. This could include mow speed, service timers, transport speed, and turf speed. It also helps to harness their on-board service diagnostics. With these diagnostics in full view, operators have the ability to keep a close eye on the operation of their machine and spot any potential problems while they are on the go.

Wet Disk Brakes

Wet disk brakes, also known as internal hydraulic wet brakes, help to eliminate the need for linkage adjustments, as well as grease points within the brake system. This helps to decrease the number of replacements over time, meaning less maintenance than the average machine.

Additional John Deere Turf Equipment Parts

Dew Whip Holder Kit

Dew can cause fairways and greens to become a bit more wet than normal. This can create even more problems for players, such as wet clubs, reduced backspin, and slower greens. Attaching this dew whip holder can make sure your players have the best experience possible.

Direct-Mount Grass Catchers

Golf courses, at their best, will have a crisp, clean look. Unfortunately, clippings can get in the way of that perfect vision. Grass catchers can be a great way to reduce the amount of these clippings left along your golf course. 

Precision Tine™ Series

Using precision tines help to aerate greens, fairways, tees, and rougher areas. This will ensure the roots of the grass grow more deeply and produce a stronger, more vigorous lawn. It can also help to alleviate issues like soil compaction and stunted growth.


By attaching any of John Deere’s three tire options to your turf equipment, you can reduce damage and improve overall performance, whether you are spraying or topdressing.

DT Rotary Turf Brush

When using a turf brush alongside your John Deere golf equipment, you can improve both course striping and overall cut quality. This can help year-round, whether the temperature is warm or cool. Turf brushes can be used to efficiently distribute wet and dry topdressing materials, resulting in improved ball roll and dew removal, while also helping to fill and break up aerification holes.

14 Blade Reel

A nicely rolled putting surface can turn a first-time course visitor into a lifetime customer. Using this blade reel, you can lower the frequency of clip, while producing a smooth, clean-cut to enhance the quality of the green.

How to Keep Your Golf Course Looking Great Year-Round

Mow Properly

When mowing your turfgrass, it’s important to take into consideration the variety of the grass, as well as the local climate. If it is often rainy, you will need more irrigation in order to keep a dry surface, and if you are facing a very dry climate, you will need to water more frequently to make sure nothing dries out. Similarly, monitoring turf density is a great way to assess optimum mowing height; poor density of turf is often the result of very low mowing height.

Roll Regularly

If you have turf, it becomes much healthier when mowed and rolled. Rolling frequently will not cause compaction, but instead, is a great way to get smooth, fast greens.

Cultivate Frequently

Cultivating greens can help to create high-quality putting surfaces. Aerification or deep vertical mowing can help to build the firmness of the green, as well as the smoothness. Performing both of these procedures can also result in well-drained, fast putting surfaces, perfect for a great round of golf. 

Apply Turf Growth Regulators

Turf growth regulators help to build high-quality putting greens. Maintaining them with these regulators aids the process of improving the putting green surface density and overall smoothness.  

Water Properly

Implementing deep irrigation, while also hand watering specific hot spots on the course, helps to reduce the amount of putting green surface irrigation. You will also want to separately water the greens around putting surfaces. This can help to improve your turf’s health, increase the firmness of the earth, reduce plant succulence, and overall conserve water.

Fertilize Properly

It’s important to only apply fertilizer to the point where it meets the plant’s requirements. If you use too much fertilizer, it can cause an excess in nitrogen. This excess can cause decreased drought and wear tolerance, increased chance of disease, and more.

Make Sure your Golf Course is Up to Par

Each of these vehicles and attachments can help make your golf courses’ grass the centerpiece for players coming from all over. If you have any questions about John Deere golf course equipment, contact your local John Deere dealer.

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