If you’re a farmer or agricultural professional, chances are you’ve heard of John Deere. Known for its high-quality agricultural equipment, John Deere is a trusted brand in the farming community. One area where they excel is in their harvesting equipment. In this blog post, we’ll answer some frequently asked questions about John Deere harvesting equipment, providing the information you need to make informed decisions for your farming operation.
Key Takeaways
- John Deere has a lot of different agricultural machinery including combines, corn and row crop headers, grain carts, and more.
- John Deere harvesting equipment helps farmers be more productive and efficient, and they have advanced machinery to improve harvesting.
- The X9 is the biggest combine made by John Deere and is also one of the top 5 largest in the agriculture market.

What is John Deere Harvesting Equipment?
John Deere harvesting equipment has a lot of different agricultural machinery, including combines, corn and row crop headers, grain carts, and more. It does cleaning, threshing, and crop harvesting. These machines help farmers be more productive and efficient, and they have advanced machinery to improve harvesting. They’re super important to farmers to get the most crops and keep their farms running smoothly.
What Types of Harvesting Equipment Does John Deere Offer?
John Deere has a bunch of harvesting equipment for farmers and ag professionals. They have combine harvesters, forage harvesters, self-propelled forage harvesters, and cotton and sugar cane harvesters. Combine harvesters are for crops like wheat, corn, and soybeans. They do reaping, threshing, and winnowing all at once. Forage harvesters do grass, corn, and other feed crops. Self-propelled forage harvesters have their engines and are more powerful. Cotton harvesters are explicitly made for cotton crops. Also, John Deere has a series of headers and platforms such as drapers, corn heads, auger platforms, and belt pickup.
John Deere Harvester and John Deere Harvesting Equipment FAQs
Here are some frequently asked questions about John Deere Harvesters that will provide helpful information for potential buyers and also owners of these agricultural machines.
What was the First John Deere Harvester?
The first John Deere harvester was the John Deere No. 2, made in 1927.
What is the Function of the John Deere Harvester?
John Deere combine harvester can do many things in the field, like harvesting, winnowing, and threshing crops like rice and corn.
Where Are John Deere Cotton Harvesters Made?
At first, cotton harvesters were manufactured in China, but John Deere decided to move them to Thibodaux in the United States.
How Does John Deere Cotton Harvester Work?
John Deere cotton harvesters are designed to remove cotton from plants while minimizing plant matter left behind to prevent contaminants from reaching the gin or textile mill.
What Are the Benefits of Using a John Deere Cotton Harvester?
John Deere cotton harvester has advanced technology that is reliable and durable, so there are fewer downtime and maintenance costs, improving cotton farmers’ profitability.
Does John Deere Make a Sugar Cane Harvester?
John Deere does produce sugar cane harvesters, including CH570, CH950, and CH960 models.
What Features Does a John Deere Sugar Cane Harvester Have?
John Deere sugar cane harvester has a Harvest Monitor™, a SmartClean™ system, and larger, more robust components to reduce downtime during the season.
How Does a John Deere Sugar Cane Harvester Operate?
John Deere sugar cane harvester cuts sugar cane stalks and moves them onto a conveyor belt, removes leaves and debris, then puts the cane into a hopper for processing.

John Deere Combines FAQs
Below are some frequently asked questions about John Deere combines, providing answers and insights for those interested in learning more about these agricultural machines.
Does John Deere Make Combines?
John Deere makes combines, and the current combine series are the S, T, and X series.
What is the Difference Between John Deere X9 1000 and John Deere S790?
The X9 1000 is bigger and more powerful and delivers up to 45% more harvesting capacity with only 11% horsepower than the John Deere S790.
What is the Difference Between John Deere X9 1000 and 1100?
John Deere X9 1000 grain tank can hold up to 14,800L, while the X9 1100 holds up to 16,200L – 5% and 15% more than the S790.
How Many X9 Combines Are There?
There are two models: X9 1000 and X9 1100.
How Much Horsepower Does a John Deere X9 1100 Combine Have?
John Deere X9 1100 has 690 max engine horsepower.
What is the Biggest John Deere Combine Ever Built?
The X9 is the biggest combine made by John Deere and is also one of the top 5 largest in the ag market.
How Many Acres Per Hour Can a John Deere X9 Combine Harvest?
The X9 1100 can harvest up to 30 acres an hour in wheat and also up to 7,200 bushels an hour in high-yielding corn.
Where Are John Deere X9 Combines Made?
Manufactured by John Deere Harvester Works, John Deere X9 combines are made in East Moline, Illinois.
John Deere Combine Headers & Platforms FAQs
This section provides answers to frequently asked questions about John Deere’s combine headers and platforms.
What Does a Draper Header Do?
The draper header catches crops from the sickle bar using a canvas-style rolling platform belt.
What is the Difference Between a Header and a Combine Harvester?
The combine harvester is the main machine that cleans and collects the crop, while the header is the attachment on the front that cuts and feeds the crop into the combine.
What Are John Deere Draper Platforms?
John Deere has rigid or hinged frame models, such as HD50F, HD45F, RD45F, and RD40F.
How Much Does a John Deere Corn Head Weigh?
John Deere corn heads weigh from 2667kg to 5404kg (or from 6237lb to 11,914lb).
How Does a John Deere Corn Head Work?
John Deere corn head, made specifically for harvesting corn, uses rotating blades to cut the corn stalks and remove the corn ears.
How Does John Deere HydraFlex Work?
HydraFlex controls the cutterbar float, and it also gives the cutterbar flexibility at all working pressures.
What Are the Available John Deere Auger Platforms?
John Deere has the 600 Series HydraFlex™ Platforms designed to match the high capacity of the S-series Combines and is equipped with a range of performance-boosting features.
How Does a John Deere Belt Pickup Work?
A John Deere belt pickup collects crops or hay from the ground.
What Are the Benefits of Using a John Deere Belt Pickup?
John Deere belt pickup has a smooth material flow into the auger, can handle more material, and allows the crop to easily fall from the pickup belts.

Where Can I Find John Deere Harvesting Equipment?
John Deere is a trusted and reliable brand that offers top-quality farming machinery. With a long history of innovation and excellence, John Deere harvesting equipment has become a favorite in the industry, providing farmers with the tools they need to maximize their productivity and efficiency. To find your nearest dealer, contact your local John Deere dealer.
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